School child boy blow his nose. Sick child with napkin in autumn park. Allergic kid, flu season. Kid with cold rhinitis, get cold. Back to school

Flu activity remains high throughout most of the United States, but did seem to go down a bit recently, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention’s latest weekly update.

Nationwide, the amount of people seeking treatment from healthcare providers for influenza-like illness decreased by 0.6 percent between the week of Feb. 8 and the week of Feb. 15. The specimens that tested positive for the flu at clinical laboratories also decreased from 30.3 percent to 29.6 percent during this span.

Puerto Rico, New York City and 44 states are still displaying high levels of influenza-like illness activity. Arizona, Delaware, Florida and Nevada, as well as Washington, D.C., are demonstrating moderate flu activity. Only two states — Idaho and Alaska — are demonstrating low influenza-like illness activity.

Hospitalizations for children and young adults remains higher than usual. Influenza-associated illness has been confirmed as the cause for 105 deaths in children this season.