Many indoor sporting activities require the use of gym mats to promote safety and prevent injuries. However, compared to other types of matting, gym mats have very specific placement, cleaning, care and storage requirements. Following these guidelines closely will help keep matting in goodp condition, providing years of quality service.
• Upon receiving. If a gym mat is delivered during the cold winter months, do not unroll it until it has been stored at normal room temperature for at least 24 hours. In some cases, unrolling a gym mat in cold conditions can result in damage to the foam and outer coating of the mat.

• Cleaning the mat. Clean mats by first sweeping them to remove grit and dirt. Next, clean them with a neutral pH cleaner and then a disinfectant before each use—or, better yet, before and after. This keeps mats as clean and healthy as possible. (A cleaner/disinfectant may also be used)

• Chemical disinfectants. Experts recommend using disinfectants specifically designed for gym mats. These will disinfectant effectively without leaving a chemical residue on the mat. Never apply previously used disinfectant. Always use a fresh solution.

• Clean underneath mats. While it is not necessary to clean under mats after each use, moisture and mildew can build up in these areas over time. This can eventually damage the mat, as well as the floor below. Clean and damp mop the floor underneath mats at least every few weeks, if not more often.

"Properly storing [gym] mats is also critical," says JoAnne Boston, Business Development Manager for Crown Mats and Matting. "If it cannot be stored flat, roll the mat up, not too tightly or too loosely, and secure it so it does not unravel. This should keep it in good condition."