A report recently published by The Washington Post has heightened the resolve for Enviro-Master Services to continue their aggressive expansion program into their major target markets, says the company in a press statement.
Enviro-Master Service has expanded to Phoenix, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Reno, Nevada, Denver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, New York and its boroughs and many smaller markets.
More than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result. according to the Post article citing a new CDC report. The new estimates show that someone in the United States gets an antibiotic-resistant infection every 11 seconds, and every 15 minutes, someone dies.
The familiar bugs like E. coli and influenza and a host of others commonly make their homes in public restrooms and surprisingly even more so in large, shared eating areas. The germs lurking on toilet seats and door handles, faucets, sinks and anything else people touch in bathrooms or workplace lunchrooms are the focus of the Enviro-Master business model.
Enviro-Master currently provides weekly service to more than 250 brands that represent more than 30,000 retail and restaurant locations in North America and the need is still growing.
The commercial cleaning industry as a whole is estimated at $61 billion and is growing by more than 2% per year.