Cleaning Program Targets Asthma and Allergies

Facility services professionals at Holyoke (Massachusetts) Public Schools have announced the introduction of a new green cleaning program. The goal, according to reports from, is to minimize the impact cleaning has on the environment, while creating asthma and allergy-friendly classrooms.

Currently, there is a 27 percent rate of asthma among the students, but school officials believe the new program will bring that rate down.

Accomplishing this goal might be as simple as replacing existing cleaning products with new versions that meet green standards. Once in place, staff will be trained on the cleaning processes that accompany the new products.

“What’s different is that they’re not asthmagens, and they will help the schools reduce asthma triggers in the classroom,” said Sarita Hudson of Partners for a Healthier Community.

Similar cleaning programs have been implemented in districts across the state. It is expected that each school in Holyoke will have the new supplies by the end of the school year.

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