The cold and flu impacted a Little Rock, Arkansas faith-based homeless shelter so much last year that its pastor has began preaching hand hygiene.
Little Rock Compassion Center’s Pastor William Holloway has reduced the coughing and sneezing taking place during his sermons by focusing on infection control, reports Fox 16. Before parishioners enter to hear Holloway’s hymn, the center’s chapel has already been disinfected. In fact, the area is disinfected three times a day.
Just under 200 people walk to the church’s pews to hear Holloway’s services. But they can't even enter if they haven't sanitized their hands.
Cognizant of the fact that the flu spreads in so many ways, Holloway has also stopped communion in an effort to reduces everyone’s exposure to germs.
The results of the center's efforts have been excellent. The number of parishioners who have gotten the flu has gone down from 25 last season to just seven this winter, says Melissa Caulder, who manages the center's kitchen.