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Contributed By PathoSans.

Founded in 1972, Valley View School District today serves approximately 16,000 students in 22 educational facilities. The district takes pride in maintaining its schools to support student and staff wellbeing, and was seeking ways to improve its cleaning program in early 2020. Its building service contractor (BSC) at the time was using various chemicals and concentrates to clean and disinfect the elementary, middle, high schools and the administrative office. 

When the novel coronavirus pandemic complicated the BSC’s ability to source necessary products for the district, Valley View sought a way to fast-track a more reliable approach to cleaning and disinfecting. The new program would need to ensure employees always had the necessary solutions on hand and reassure students, staff and parents that every facility was properly and frequently cleaned and disinfected without exposing individuals to toxic chemicals.


Valley View transitioned from its previous contractor to GSF-USA, a global cleaning services company, to enhance cleaning and disinfecting across the district. GSF installed numerous on-site generators from PathoSans, which utilize softened tap water, an electrolytic cell and salt to produce electrochemically activated solutions (ECAS). The result is PathoClean cleaner/degreaser, a sodium hydroxide solution, and PathoCide sanitizer/disinfectant, a hypochlorous acid solution. The solutions are effective and always available, eliminating supply chain issues that hinder the ability to clean consistently and frequently. 

“While it’s easy to source chemicals that address pathogens of concern, many facilities face the challenge of finding products that don’t harm those who are performing cleaning tasks,” said Kurt Kuempel, General Manager, GSF-USA. “GSF has relied on ECAS for several years across our customer sites because it offers many efficacy and safety advantages compared to traditional cleaning methods.”

With just two solutions for all cleaning and disinfecting needs, GSF simplifies the training process and drastically reduces inconsistency in cleaning results. Between its own evening staff of 110 and the district’s team of roughly 40 daytime workers, GSF is responsible for training 150 people to properly use the PathoSans system and clean and disinfect throughout the district’s buildings. GSF also focuses its training on the “why” of cleaning to better engage employees by highlighting the product formulations and how they ensure efficacy.


By installing and using the PathoSans systems, GSF-USA has helped Valley View School District achieve the following benefits:

1. Achieve peace of mind around product efficacy

PathoClean and PathoCide can be used against a variety of bacteria, fungi and viruses, and have demonstrated efficacy against human coronavirus and other viruses more resilient to disinfection. This gives the district added assurance that its schools are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 

2. Eliminate supply issues

On-site generation offers an uninterrupted supply of on-demand cleaning and disinfecting solutions. In the event of an outbreak or emergency, staff can quickly increase system output. The district no longer has to worry about product shortages, shipping delays and exorbitant price increases when demand for disinfectants is high and supply is low. 

3. Clean and disinfect with safety at the forefront

The solutions are non-irritating to eyes and skin and contain no added fragrance, making them ideal for daily use, even when students, staff and visitors are present. In the wake of the pandemic, many facilities have implemented new methods for broader and faster cleaning and disinfecting, like electrostatic spraying. However, not all chemicals are safe to use with equipment that produces small droplets that can be inhaled. Kuempel notes that “because the ECAS chemicals are safe, we’re able to use them within various devices like foggers, misters and electrostatic sprayers without the risk that other chemicals carry.”

4. Simplify training and enhance cleaning consistency

With the PathoSans system, GSF can simplify training. Using just two products for all of their cleaning and disinfecting needs streamlines the cleaning process and reduces the risk that employees will be confused or apply the solutions improperly. This ensures consistent cleaning across the entire district. 

5. Clean and disinfect in an environmentally responsible way

Because they are comprised of water, salt and electricity, the PathoSans solutions are not harmful to the environment or surfaces within the schools. They are drain and disposal friendly. Plus, the use of refillable spray bottles helps facilities reduce plastic waste.

“The PathoSans system produces the most effective chemicals we’ve ever used,” added Kuempel. “Given the safety, accessibility and efficacy benefits, I believe ECAS will become the industry norm, especially in educational environments that want to meet a new standard of clean.”