Big 3 Packaging, L.L.C. and Floor Mechanics, L.L.C. announce that they have settled the patent and trademark infringement action brought by Big 3 Packaging in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania involving, inter alia, Floor Mechanics sales of products manufactured by Aqua ChemPac, L.L.C.  

Floor Mechanics had historically purchased water-soluble cleaning products sold under the PAK-IT trade name from Dickler Chemical Laboratories, Inc. or its related companies. Big 3 Packaging acquired assets of Dickler Chemical Laboratories, Inc. in early 2012 and supplies the water-soluble cleaning products previously sold by Dickler Chemical under the PAK-IT trade name.

Floor Mechanics announces that it will continue to sell the PAK-IT brand water soluble cleaning packets under the agreement reached by the Parties.