While the use of aqueous ozone for cleaning is relatively  new, aqueous ozone is actually an old technology. In fact, it has been used for cleaning in one form or another for more than 100 years.
To bring us up to speed on aqueous ozone, CleanCore Technologies, manufacturer of these systems, provides the following aqueous ozone timeline:

 • 1785: A Dutch chemist experimenting with water by "sparking" it with electricity notices it creates an unusual odor

 • 1840: Scientists realize this unusual odor is similar to the smell in the air after a thunderstorm, leading to the discovery of ozone

 • 1850s: The first experiments using aqueous ozone were to treat or purify water

 • 1906:The city of Nice, France, built the first water purification plant using ozone; it is still in use today

 • 1940: The number of ozone installations to treat water reaches 119 and increases to 1,043 by 1977 and nearly 2,000 by 1985

 • 1984:Ozone was used to clean and sanitize the swimming pools installed for the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles

 • 1996: FDA clears use of aqueous ozone systems in food preparation facilities

 • 2001: FDA allows the use of aqueous ozone to sanitize food "contact surfaces" during or after the manufacture of food products

 • 2008: Aqueous ozone systems are introduced to the professional cleaning industry in Europe and North America

 • 2016: Aqueous ozone solution from CleanCore Technologies becomes Green Seal certified.

"Having the aqueous ozone solution Green Seal certified is a major step forward for this technology," says Matt Montag, national sales director for CleanCore Technologies. "It has proven to the professional cleaning industry this technology is green, safe, and effective."