Soybean urinals were introduced to the market three years ago by Waterless Co., but end-users continue to ask questions about the fixtures. This press release addresses those questions.

For instance, many ask whether soybean urinals are actually made out of soybeans. The answer is that it is the oil or resin from the soybean that is used, not the actual soybean.
Although many green advocates encourage the use of soybean resin because it promotes sustainability, end-user questions and concerns remain.
The most common questions about soybean resin products include:
Is the entire urinal made of soybean resin?
No. The oil or resin from the soybean amounts to about 30 percent of the ingredients used to manufacture the urinal.
Is soybean resin used in other products?
Yes. It is used to produce toner, ink, copiers, fax machines, candles, construction materials, and even fuel.
Is soybean resin strong and durable?
It has proven to be exceptionally strong and durable. Today, it is even used to make fiberglass for cars and boats.
Is the use of soybean resin new?
Far from it. In the 1930s, Henry Ford used soybean resin to manufacturer car bumpers. Demonstrating the resin’s strength and flexibility, Ford would hit the bumper with a sledgehammer. However, researchers really started exploring soybean resin’s potential about 20 years ago.
I know soy is very sustainable, but doesn’t it take a lot of energy to make soybean resin?
Surprisingly not. In fact, it can actually reduce the costs to make some products, resulting in end-customer savings.