Boost employee morale

From unconventional hours to the wear-and-tear of cleaning shifts, there’s plenty for custodians to be stressed out about on-the-job, both mentally and physically. These unique circumstances mean that conventional employee morale tips that may work for a 9-5 desk job won’t have the same affect in many cases as frontline employees. To help provide a fresh approach to the morale and wellbeing challenge, BeeKeeper outlined actionable tips to maintain morale on the frontlines. 

Implement a Mobile Communication Platform

With studies showing a direct correlation between poor communication methods and engagement among employees, digitizing a businesses’s communication platform can have great advantages. Examples include easy access to digital documents, chat capabilities for easy discussion among teammates, and real-time alerts on notable company announcements. Doing so minimizes the chance of employees feeling left out of the loop on important matters. 

Recognizing a Job Well Done

It’s a lot easier to hop around to the other corner of the office and complement a co-worker on a job well-done, or even give a full shoutout all at once. The divided nature of multiple custodial teams, however, often makes this a rare or unlikely occurrence altogether. Beekeeper notes via a study, however, that employees who are recognized for their hard work are nearly thee-times more likely to be engaged in their work. More creative outlets are likely required for frontline workers, which can include social media posts, newsletter shoutouts, or nominating them for industry honors such as CleanLink’s faces of the frontline award

Encourage Employee Feedback

Many companies preach that they have an “open-door” policy, yet then create an environment where suggestions often fall on deaf ears, or perhaps the method for submitting said feedback is difficult to do. Software platforms can be an easy fix for this with avenues to anonymously submit complaints or recommendations without the fear of repercussion. The next step is to take those suggestions to heart. While not all will be applicable, of course, employees will stop giving their thoughts if no examples exist of acknowledging issues and enacting change. 

For related content, check out these tips on keeping employees happy without giving a raise.