Time management clock

Whether it’s on-the-job or during free hours, a lot of people with strong work ethics and healthy habits often find themselves not having enough hours in the day. Some people may simply try to be doing too much within, but in other cases, a few small adjustments can lead to a more organized lifestyle and better efficiency getting tasks done. To help employees (and people in general) gauge how they are managing their time, About Town highlighted ways people can better grasp what they are dedicating their energy toward. 

1. Schedule Assessment. This doesn’t just mean writing down a list of one’s regular activities day-to-day, but also the time of day they are being done and have much approximated time is being allocated to it. It sounds simple, but looking at a visual schedule can help outline tasks that perhaps are demanding way more time than needed, or others that need some more slack. From there, balancing adjustments can be made. 

2. Create Boundaries. If someone is stressing about work constantly in their free time, then a part of them is never truly off-the-clock. There’s no shame in taking pride in one’s professional work and thinking of improvements during free time, but work-life balance is essential both for mental health and productivity on the job itself. Once a job is complete and done to the best of one’s ability, there’s no shame in hanging up the boots or shutting down the computer for the day once a shift/workday is done. If someone can reward themselves with out-of-work hobbies or passions once the job is done, they’ll be more dialed in during the actual work hours themselves. 

3. Time Blocks. By setting a defined schedule where one commits to a particular task for 30 minutes, an hour, etc., it can help some be better organized and also minimize the chance of distractions. Random distractions or emergencies will inevitably happen over time, but if the method is both established and committed to, it can work wonders for knowing how much anticipated work can be completed. Perhaps the trickiest part is committing to switching tasks once the allotted time is up. If followed though, it’s more difficult to fall too far behind on any given responsibility. 

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