Some practices must be carried out regardless of which spraying technology is used, says Giamona. Whether using electrostatics, foggers or a traditional trigger sprayer, he stresses that it’s essential that end users understand the manufacturers’ instructions for both the chemistry and the equipment.

Walker agrees, suggesting that facility cleaning managers read the directions for use on chemical product labels to make sure they can be used through the spraying device. Regardless of the application technique, the answers to correct cleaning are on the label.

“Guidance is still emerging on the use of chemicals through these machines and the Environmental Protection Agency may not have approved a particular chemical product for use through a sprayer,” says Walker.

Managers are encouraged to learn more about enveloped versus non-enveloped viruses, dwell times, and how not all viruses are killed in the same amount of time. From there, research cleaners and disinfection products that will help fight infection threats in the facility. Giamona and Stefano agree that knowing this is more important than whether to use an electrostatic, fogger or trigger sprayer. They also stress the importance of cleaning before disinfecting and adhering to proper dwell times.

“There must be dwell time, and that won’t happen if dirt is on a surface, no matter what system is being used to apply the disinfectant,” says Giamona.

Moving Forward

Brajak believes enhanced cleaning and the focus on providing safe and healthy facilities is here to stay.

“Many of the ‘new’ cleaning and disinfecting processes are what we should have been doing all along,” he says. “Now we have such awareness of the cleanliness of our facilities, the emphasis is back on with how we clean and disinfect.”

Cleanliness has become a good business practice, according to Stefano, and businesses are more cognizant of how surfaces and areas are cleaned. Cleanliness done right the first time can also save a department money.

The type of technology a business decides to use when disinfecting will, of course, come down to multiple factors, including budget. Facility cleaning departments that have the means also have options on how to clean their environments. Each option has its pluses and minuses and, if used properly, can keep an area clean and safe for occupancy.

Larry Bernstein is a freelance writer based in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Additional reporting by Facility Cleaning Decisions editorial staff.

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Electrostatic Efficiently Targets Germs