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The bi-annual Facility Cleaning Decisions Complaints Survey never fails to bring up the most relatable and ridiculous responses out of all the studies conducted by the publication. From a birds-eye view, it would seem unreasonable to compare responses from over 130 facility cleaning managers compared to two years ago. Yet it was determined that while occupancy levels in facilities may vary, many of the same types of gripes hold firm. Some frontrunners to take this year’s crown include, “an angered employee with their direct supervisor decided to smear feces all over a restroom. And by that, I mean everywhere: walls, partitions, ceiling, sinks”; or perhaps “please find my missing snake.” 

Still, in the midst of some head-scratching revelations, the survey reveals some valuable trends that managers can take to heart and use to improve overall approval among occupants and cleaning staff alike.  

Sign in or complete a quick, free registration to view the 2022 survey results. 

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Frontline Cleaning Managers Share Common and Ridiculous Complaints