Although some buildings on the Arizona State University campus have already received green certifications, policies are in place so that future construction is as sustainable as possible. The Purchasing and Business Service Manual outlines specific regulations for both green building and landscaping.

First, green purchasing concepts must be integrated into architectural designs, construction documents and the final construction and/or renovations of all university buildings. Specifically, green practices for design, construction and operations must follow recommendations outlined by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Rating System.

But once the building is constructed, the sustainable initiatives don’t stop. Products such as paints, carpeting, adhesives, furniture and casework with the lowest amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and highest recycled content must be purchased. A carpet recycling program will be developed and put into place. And special attention will be given to new purchases of heating/ventilating/air conditioning, refrigeration, insulation and fire suppression systems that do not include hazardous refrigerants or solvents.

Outside these buildings, sustainable landscaping renovations will be implemented. This might include integrated pest management, drip irrigation, composting and the use of mulch generated from regional plant debris. Any structures or surfaces, where necessary, will be made from recycled content materials. And those plants that are incorporated will be selected to minimize waste, meaning they should be native and drought-tolerant, requiring little-to-no watering.

CORINNE ZUDONYI is the editor of Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine and

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Necessary Changes Associated With Practicing Zero Waste
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Breakdown Of ASU's Sustainable Advancements