While many pest concerns are the same, different facilities may have different risk factors that need to be addressed and accounted for when developing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program:

    o    Schools are trending towards IPM programs as these plans focus on cultural control practices such as eliminating sources of food, water and shelter and reserve the use of professional products only when necessary
    o    College and university campuses are an ideal habitat for pests as they have an abundant supply of food, water and shelter
    o    Presence of school students is the key differentiating factor

Healthcare facilities
    o    The size of a facility will affect the overall complexity of the pest management effort required
    o    Due to the medical needs of these buildings, industrial hygiene is paramount and maintaining an intensive pest management program is a key component
    o    These buildings often have a high level of structural and organizational complexity

Hotel facilities
    o    Guests, hotel staff and deliveries are the main vehicles that carry pests into a hotel room
    o    Pests may also enter a room from a nearby or neighboring infested room
    o    The frequency with which guests check in and out is among the main concerns for pest management
    o    Housekeeping staff may transfer or introduce pests into rooms as they go room to room via vacuums or housekeeping carts

Government Buildings
    o    Often have strict access that can eliminate certain hours, times of day or days of the week
    o    Pest management professionals may be granted clearance for the entire facility, or may be required to be escorted on each service visit

Commercial offices
    o    Facility access can be an issue, due to the number of people in a building at a time
        •    Schedules or office hours of each tenant need to be taken into consideration
        •    Even when offices are closed, there may be sensitive areas or areas with limited or no access

    o    Pest infestations can impact revenue and lead to negative perceptions among consumers that can sometimes take years to restore
    o    The originating location for all products should be noted as this can factor into the types of pests a retail establishment could be at risk for
    o    The amount of foot traffic through the establishment can cause concern regarding hitchhiking pests
    o    The types of stores nearby can impact risk for pest infestations

DR. JIM FREDERICKS is the Chief Entomologist & Vice President of Technical and Regulatory Affairs, and CINDY MANNES is Vice President of Public Affairs at The National Pest Management Association.

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Common Pests And How They Get Into Facilities