Managers of large facilities face unique challenges when it comes to pest management programs. As some of these facilities tend to house more sensitive populations — children, young adults and ill people — there is an even greater responsibility to keep occupants safe from the serious health threats posed by the presence of pests. Yet, to do so often requires more specialized, focused pest management plans, which are a direct result of a partnership between a pest management company and the facility’s staff — especially those performing custodial duties.

As the custodial staff typically performs their duties after hours, they are more apt to notice problems or signs of infestations than other employees. Educating the custodial staff about the dangers of pests, conditions that attract pests, and how to recognize problems can go a long way in preventing or quickly eliminating a growing infestation. 

This proactive effort is at the root of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a process that combines common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests.  The focus is on finding the best treatment for a pest problem, and not merely the simplest. 

Pest professionals never employ a “one size fits all” method in IPM, but rather, utilize a three-part practice: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment by a pest professional. Treatment options in IPM can vary from sealing cracks to removing food and water sources to employing control products, when necessary.

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Why Pest Management Matters