Advantages of trade associations and what they have to offer facility cleaning managers

People frequently wonder how to take their job and their department to the next level. The truth is that it is often about who you know, who knows you and what you know. Meeting the right people in the industry, and staying on top of trends is critical. Here are a few areas custodial managers can focus on.

Networking — Take the time to meet people in the industry and leverage them into a professional network. This network can become a valuable resource for advice, a professional favor, or to find a new job. Managers may learn new or better ways to manage a team, perform tasks or benefit the department simply by talking with others in the field. In short, the conversations that occur while building a professional network can ultimately be used to enhance a person’s career.

Think about how many emails, phone calls, sales pitches the average custodial executive receives. Those with personal connections are more likely to get a return call, while others may be filtered out. Developing meaningful business connections is an important step in moving up in one’s career.

Education and Professional Development — Professional development should be viewed as an ongoing process and continuing education is an important step. It ensures managers stay competent on evolving technology and industry standards. Falling behind could prove problematic for mangers and their department.

Consider this, an executive who is up to date on what is going on in the field of facility cleaning is more likely to have an answer when asked. They are better able to solve problems efficiently. And they are a valuable resource for the company. Investing time in one’s education not only provides job security, but it positions managers as true leaders within the company.

Fortunately, for some managers, their companies recognize the value of continued education. When this is the case, see if the company will cover the cost of educational programs and professional memberships relevant to the cleaning industry. After all, the advantages extend to the entire company.

Internet and Social Media — Face-to face networking is commonly the most effective method, but social media and the Internet can also be used to increase one’s network.

Attending webinars and online classes can help to improve education and professional development, while social media networks, discussion groups and online forums can be terrific ways to network. This is particularly helpful if one wishes to expand their network beyond their own region. The Internet is a great way to communicate instantly with managers from around the world.

Focusing on these three main aspects of business development may seem daunting. But, don’t worry, they can all be accomplished by simply joining an industry related organization.

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Education Available Through ISSA