We've all experienced those one-sided conversations where the other person dominates the discussion, never bothering to ask about our own thoughts or experiences. Regrettably, this tendency also seeps into the building service contractor (BSC) industry and is particularly evident in website content, sales pitches, and proposals. Too often, we focus on showcasing our company's features and benefits rather than addressing the prospective customer's needs.

The key to understanding what prospective customers want lies in attentive listening to current customers. They can provide valuable insights into the concerns and desires of future clients. 

For instance, a customer might express, "My schedule is jam-packed. Dealing with cleaning matters is a major distraction." Alternatively, they might emphasize, "The cleanliness of our restrooms and break areas significantly impacts employee morale. I need assurance that these areas will consistently appear and feel clean."

When communicating with customers like this, whether in written or verbal form, our messaging should revolve around how we can assist them in achieving their desired outcomes: peace of mind, enhanced productivity, reduced stress, and earning the respect of their superiors and colleagues.

Certainly, there is a place for sharing information about our companies, but it must be contextualized within the framework of addressing customer needs. For instance, stating, "We leverage cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled service," holds little significance for a potential customer struggling with janitorial service challenges. 

In contrast, rephrase it as, "Cleaning issues can be a significant source of distraction and frustration for building owners. Our technology streamlines issue reporting, allowing you to stay focused on your core responsibilities.” This demonstrates a comprehension of their pain points and our ability to offer solutions.

Mastering the art of speaking the customer's language is imperative for the sustainable growth of any BSC business. However, it demands discipline and commitment. 

Firstly, adopting a "customer-first" mindset is essential. BSCs must genuinely prioritize serving their customers well. Secondly, organizations should review their existing content, refining it as necessary to align features and benefits with customer needs. Lastly, sales teams may benefit from additional training in conducting customer-focused conversations.

By prioritizing the customer and effectively communicating how we can address their concerns, we position our businesses for continued growth while simultaneously ensuring customer satisfaction. 

Jeff Carmon, CBSE, is the Business Development Director at Frantz Building Services. He is also a consultant, content creator, and speaker for Elite BSC, which provides resources and education for like-minded BSCs.