Gregg Jones
You get what you pay for — plain and simple. It costs us more time and money to find a new employee then to retain an employee at a higher rate. Paying a higher rate also establishes higher expectations and results. Many of our part-time jobs pay a flat rate, which works great for the hard worker who is goal oriented and not time oriented. The flat rate typically results in pay exceeding $10 per hour which converts to a superior service and longer employee retention because the feel they are getting paid what they are worth.

Gregg Jones, President
Advanced Facility Systems Group, Inc.
Columbia, Md.


Tom Thompson
As the late Ohio State University football coach Woody Hayes once said, “You win with people.” I truly believe that Star Cleaning Systems has successfully grown through the years because of the great people we employ with positive attitudes and skills to do the tasks at hand correctly and efficiently. Since I founded the company, we have paid more than minimum wage because we are looking to employ above average cleaning technicians. We make an investment in training and developing each employee regardless of experience, and take an interest in helping each employee reach their own goals that the position or income may provide. Reciprocally, we ask for a commitment from each employee to help the company become more successful through their work.

Tom Thompson, CBSE, President
Star Cleaning Systems
Columbus, Ohio


Tom Heveron
What we do and the important service we provide to our customers does not reflect a minimum wage position. The duties and importance of the quality of the work requires a higher paid employee to perform it. We are proud that we have never paid minimum wage for any position and have helped hundreds of our people reach many of their personal goals.

Tom Heveron, CBSE, President
Beachland Cle aning Service
Vero Beach, Fla.