Chris Waldheim

We find personal references from current employees to be the number one source for recruiting qualified personnel. The current employee wants us to be happy with their referral and their referral doesn’t want to make the current employee look bad, so we all win. We do offer a “Referral Bonus” (from $25 to $100) to the current employee when we are looking to fill a specialized position, such as a supervisor or a position that requires driving our vehicles.

Chris Waldheim, C.E.O.
J’s Maintenance
Glendale, Calif.

Lonnie J. Williams

I read or had a conversation with someone about the concept of sharing employees with other BSCs. We tried it and it works well for L&J. This is how it worked for us: In the past six months we have found that some BSCs have had to cut back on some of their employees’ hours, from 40 to 20 hours per week. In most cases, those employees have already passed security clearance and have already been trained in the proper procedures to clean.
When L&J needs a new or part time employee, we look to other BSC companies that have workers looking for more hours.
It is a win-win situation for L&J. We are getting a new trained employee. It is a win for the sharing BSC in keeping a good employee. The worker who gets a full paycheck is also a winner.

Lonnie J. Williams, President
L&J Building Maintenance
Topeka, Kan.

Michael Perkins

I have had great success in finding qualified employees through a refugee resettlement agency and a refugee ministry in our area. The goal of the organizations is to help refugees from many Third World countries resettle and gain employment in America. A case worker helps the family with acquiring proper documentation for work as well as food, clothing and shelter. Case workers pre-screen employees and match those who they feel are most qualified, based on their English skills, attitude and work ethic, with available jobs.

Michael Perkins, President
CleanRight Building Maintenance
Tucson, Ariz.

Next month: What is the best advice you ever received?

If you’d like the opportunity to share your opinion, send an e-mail to Dan Weltin