Tim Rupard

I would like to see a battery-powered upright that is actually effective for our business: one that is not too heavy, has a 2.5- to 3-hour run time, has good suction and is reasonably priced.

I am also interested to find out what other innovations are out there that I have not heard about yet; I try to stay informed about the industry, but manufacturers often introduce their new products at ISSA/INTERCLEAN and I want to see what they have to offer.

Lastly, I want my front-line managers to go through the exhibit hall and educational seminars to see what gets them excited and motivated. It is such a great experience for them, and I am glad we are able to send a large contingent because of CleanPower’s proximity to Chicago.

Tim Rupard, President/COO
CleanPower and Al’s Window Cleaning

Al Berry

Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) involvement this year with ISSA/INTERCLEAN represents a tremendous opportunity for building service contractors to be exposed to the latest innovations in janitorial equipment and janitorial supplies at our upcoming executive seminar this October. The ability for us to interface directly with the manufacturers and producers of the supplies and equipment we utilize, at the industry’s largest trade show, opens infinite possibilities.

I am looking forward to participating in the many training seminars offered through ISSA along with the BSCAI Executive Seminar. I have been a member of BSCAI for over 25 years and have benefited greatly from my involvement. This latest step for our association will, in my opinion, provide even greater benefits to BSCAI members.

Al Berry, President
American Services Corporation
Chester, Pa.

Don Zerivitz

This year I have committed to educating and exposing several key members of my management team, including my director of operations, director of marketing and director of new business development to my industry friends, as well as ideas and methods from all over the world. It is critical in today’s economy and competitive environment to allow my team to learn anything and everything they can. This is THE place to do it!

I will give each of them the same advice I follow myself when I attend the ISSA/INTERCLEAN conventions: Come home with one GREAT idea and implement it. It doesn’t matter what the idea is because if it’s great either our employees or customers will benefit.

Don Zerivitz, President
Pro Clean Building Maintenance Inc.
Altamonte Springs, Fla.

Next month: Next month: What are some of your “outside the box” ideas for recruiting new workers?

If you’d like the opportunity to share your opinion, send an e-mail to Dan Weltin