Often, I have used this column to discuss the changes that have been made in the building service contracting industry since I started working for Contracting Profits. This month, we have a few changes of our own to announce.

First, we’d like to welcome industry veterans Jim Peduto and David Frank to our roster of contributors. Frank writes the inaugural installment of “Contracting Insights,” a new business-oriented column; he and Peduto will alternate months. You also may notice another change to our business coverage: Our front-of-the-book section, “Biz 101,” has been retitled “Business Center,” to better reflect the section’s content and purpose.

Finally, this issue marks my last at Contracting Profits, as I leave to attend law school in the fall. It’s been an honor to be able to work with so many bright, talented and dedicated professionals in the cleaning industry over the past seven-plus years; I’m grateful to be able to call many of you friends. I’ve also learned much about the business world, as I’ve passed that information along, and for that, I’m thankful.

I do leave the magazine in very capable hands: Dan Weltin, our longtime associate editor, will be taking the editor’s chair starting with the next issue. I look forward to peeking out from my casebooks to find out what changes come to the BSC industry during Dan’s tenure.