Anytime a company introduces a new product into an existing business, there is always going to be an initial cost that may seem daunting, and introducing the disposable microfiber mopping system was no exception.

“My best estimate would be that the cost of replacing old products with microfiber would be $5,000 per month,” says Frey. “But over time, while developing a stock, I believe this number will reduce in cost and the savings to both the environment and to the customer will be realized.”

One box of microfiber sheets can last anywhere from two weeks to a month, depending on the job. While boxes of replaceable microfiber sheets, as well as the overall disposable microfiber system, may seem costly up front, Frey believes that it translates into a long-term savings in several ways. First comes the cost savings in chemicals, as the system can be used without them. And because it can be used without water, that is a savings as well.

“A lot of people have to pay for their water; we are saving gallons of water,” says Frey.

Perhaps one of the most noticeable savings for the company is in workers’ compensation claims. The disposable microfiber mopping system is lightweight and does not require employees to lug heavy buckets full of water, resulting in fewer back injuries.

“A lot of our buildings are older. Some don’t have janitor closets. It can be very difficult for employees to get to the water station to change the mop water, and when they do, they’re carrying 40 pounds of water in a mop bucket. Also, many older plants don’t have elevators and they have to carry the buckets upstairs, so it can be very cumbersome,” says Frey. “We have a lot of women who work for us, and it’s harder for them to use the heavier mops.”

And dealing with fewer workers’ compensation claims translates not only into a cost savings in benefits paid out, but from a reduction in lost work time, as well.

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Conduct Research On Mops And Communicate With Customers
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Microfiber: A Cleaning Industry Trend