Part three of this three-part article focuses on the cost and time savings realized by using on-site generation systems.

Besides not having to train new staff on which chemicals can be combined and which chemicals work on what surfaces, the change to engineered water technology has had other benefits.

The time previously spent reordering and managing chemicals has been eliminated. Workers make fewer time-consuming mistakes, because there is no mixing. These time-savers also factor into lower costs.

“Using engineered water solutions has reduced our costs drastically (by 90 percent), by not only replacing our previous product line, but by severely reducing our need and dependency for other products,” says Altschuler. “Those include all-purpose degreasers, floor strippers, rotary and extraction shampoo, and any other chemicals.”

To illustrate how much PBM is saving, Altschuler refers to a worker whose job is to clean the bird droppings off the setbacks in the building every day. The worker uses a deck brush and a few 5-gallon buckets of cleaning solution. With the previous product he used, the cost ran between $4 and $5 dollars a bucket. Now with the engineered water solution, the cost is just 35 cents per 5-gallon bucket.

Today, BSCs have numerous options when searching for cleaning solutions that are safer for their workers, building occupants and the environment. But, for PBM, engineered water has had the added benefit of improving efficiencies and reducing costs as well.

Heather Larson is a freelance writer from Federal Way, Washington.

previous page of this article:
Sanitize And Disinfect With Engineered Water