training program

Contributed by BSCAI

Training is of the utmost importance in the field of commercial cleaning as it plays a significant role in ensuring efficient and effective cleaning operations. Proper training not only equips cleaning professionals with the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary to perform their duties, it also ensures companies are maintaining high standards of cleanliness, hygiene, and safety in the commercial environments they are serving. 

Establishing Pillars for Developing a Program 

An efficient training program is vital to the success of a cleaning company. When developing a training program for commercial cleaners, it’s important to keep the following pillars top-of-mind, tying all education back to these points accordingly. 

1. Quality of Service: Training enables cleaning professionals to understand and implement industry best practices, techniques and standards. Attendees should learn about the appropriate use of cleaning equipment, cleaning agents and safety protocols, which ultimately will lead to the delivery of high-quality cleaning services. Well-trained individuals are also more capable of handling various cleaning challenges and achieving desired outcomes. 

2. Customer Satisfaction: Cleanliness is a crucial factor in creating a positive and professional image for any commercial establishment. A well-trained cleaning staff is better equipped to meet customer expectations and deliver a clean and inviting environment. Consistently maintaining cleanliness can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, which are crucial for the success of any business. 

3. Safety and Health: Commercial cleaning involves handling potentially hazardous substances, using machinery and working in diverse environments. Training educates cleaning professionals about proper handling and disposal of chemicals, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and adherence to safety regulations. This knowledge minimizes the risks of accidents, injuries and exposure to harmful substances, ensuring a safe working environment for both cleaning staff and occupants of the facility. 

4. Efficiency and Productivity: Cleaning professionals who have received comprehensive training are equipped with time-saving techniques, efficient workflows and strategies for maximizing productivity. They learn how to optimize cleaning routines, prioritize tasks and utilize resources effectively. This not only enhances efficiency but also allows for better time management and the ability to handle a higher volume of cleaning tasks. 

5. Adaptability and Versatility: Commercial cleaning professionals encounter a variety of settings, surfaces, and challenges. Training helps them develop adaptability and versatility so that they can handle different types of spaces such as offices, health care facilities, educational institutions, retail stores, and more. With proper training, cleaning staff can adjust their cleaning methods, select appropriate cleaning agents, and employ proper techniques for each specific environment. 

6. Environmental Responsibility: The field of commercial cleaning has been increasingly focused on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Training programs often include education on environmentally friendly cleaning methods, green cleaning products and waste reduction strategies. By implementing these practices, cleaning professionals contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment. 

Benefits of a Training Program 

Businesses will begin to see value once a training program is established, and the material is adaptable to all types of learning methods and employee schedules. The overall benefits a company can experience include: 

1. Enhanced Cleaning Techniques: Training equips cleaning staff with knowledge about the latest cleaning techniques, tools, and equipment. Staff will know how to use cleaning agents effectively and efficiently, ensuring better results in a shorter amount of time. 

2. Improved Cleaning Standards: Consistent training helps establish and maintain high cleaning standards throughout the facility. This leads to a more professional appearance and a positive impression on visitors, customers and fellow employees. 

3. Increased Efficiency: Trained cleaning personnel can optimize their cleaning processes, allowing them to accomplish tasks in a faster and more organized manner. Time and resources, in turn, are utilized more efficiently, reducing operational costs. 

4. Healthier Environment: Proper training includes guidance on handling hazardous substances such as cleaning chemicals and waste. By understanding the appropriate safety protocols, employees can reduce the risk of accidents and exposure to harmful substances, creating a safer and healthier environment for everyone. 

5. Better Equipment Maintenance: Cleaning staff who receive training are more likely to use equipment properly and conduct regular maintenance. This extends the life of cleaning tools and machines, reducing replacement costs and ensuring they operate at peak performance. 

6. Tailored Solutions: Different spaces and surfaces require specific cleaning approaches. Trained staff can identify the unique needs of each area and apply appropriate cleaning methods accordingly, resulting in more effective cleaning and care. 

7. Green Cleaning Practices: Training can be used as a tool to introduce eco-friendly and sustainable cleaning practices that reduce a company’s environmental impact. Using environmentally friendly products and techniques benefits the company, clients, and the planet. 

8. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: In commercial settings like hotels, restaurants or office buildings, well-trained cleaning staff ensure a clean and pleasant atmosphere. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend the establishment to others. 

9. Reduced Cross-Contamination: Training helps cleaning staff understand the importance of preventing cross-contamination between different areas or surfaces. By following proper procedures, the spread of germs and bacteria can be minimized, creating a healthier environment for everyone. 

10. Increased Staff Morale: Proper training and recognition of the importance of the cleaning staff within the organization can boost morale. When employees feel valued and competent, they are more likely to take pride in their work, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity. 

In summary, investing in training for cleaning operations has far-reaching benefits. It not only improves the cleanliness and hygiene of spaces but also enhances staff performance, reduces operational costs and contributes to a safer and more welcoming environment for all. 

Dana Boyce is the Vice President of Marketing and Client Engagement for Pioneer Building Services, with offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, and Potomac, Maryland.