The third part of this three-part article discusses customer preferences for cleaning carts.

According to distributors, customers are also requesting wheels that reduce noise.

“The quiet caster is a great idea, especially for daytime workers servicing office buildings,” says Dillon. “Regular wheels can be loud, so some manufacturers have introduced caster wheels that reduce noise, making them less intrusive to the environment.”

For daytime cleaning or when working around building occupants, many facilities want carts to be inconspicuous and quiet. As a result, distributors are seeing a move away from bright colors.

“Black is now a trending color in the industry,” says Dillon. “When you glance down a hallway and see a big yellow or blue cart, it sticks out. The manufacturers are trying to tone it down, because the clientele wants to be as incognito as possible.”

Despite the need to downplay the carts’ presence, BSCs still want carts that are as attractive as they are functional. Today’s carts have smooth, rounded edges that impart a modern look and make them easier to clean.

“Most of the new carts have curved sides and corners, so you can wipe it easily with a cloth,” says Attman. “They can also be easily disassembled, allowing them to be cleaned down to the core.”

Although the trend is toward lightweight plastic carts, distributors still see clients that favor stainless-steel carts, particularly in healthcare facilities. Stainless-steel carts are easier to clean and disinfect, says Hammond. They are also more durable than their plastic counterparts.

When it comes to purchasing cleaning carts, one size no longer fits all. Whether building service contractors prioritize aesthetics, durability, ergonomics or storage space, they can rest assured that there is a cart to meet their needs — or they can build one from the ground up.

“Carts have become beneficial to any industry that wants to use them,” says Attman. “Manufacturers are putting a lot of money and effort into helping customers personalize these systems so that [janitors] can maximize their use for specific needs. And ultimately, personalization is what it’s all about.”

Kassandra Kania is a freelance writer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is a frequent contributor to Contracting Profits.

previous page of this article:
Ergonomic Carts Prove Popular With Contract Cleaners