In this article, industry manufacturers answer common questions asked by building service contractors.

Can these software programs be used via cloud computing?

Yes, some can — it depends on whether the developer has designed it based on accessing a shared server. Best to ask if unsure.

Industry leaders like Microsoft and now even McDonald’s are working on a future based on utilizing shared servers or cloud technology to save time and money — and other tech companies are quickly following suit.

— Daniel Liebrecht, co-founder, CleanBid, Toledo, Ohio

Cloud computing, or, in other words, using software that is hosted by companies other than the cleaning contractor via the Internet, is a must. Cleaning contractors are in the cleaning industry — not the information technology or software industry — for a good reason. I have seen cleaning contractors try to write their own software and they have eventually changed to an outsourced Internet cloud computing solution.

Using cloud computing is cheaper, and it saves valuable focus, so cleaning contractors can concentrate on making money through providing exceptional services with the aid of this web-based software technology.

— Michael Jenkins, president, CleanTelligent, Provo, Utah

Does cloud computing or software as a system (SaaS) have advantages over a physical hard disk?

Definitely. Here are a just a few advantages of cloud computing and SaaS type delivery — where access is remote via a web-based service: automatic software updates, freed up disk space, flexibility (i.e. multiple users can view and edit documents from different remote locations at the same time), and finally, time and money savings by eliminating having to buy, install and maintain software on your own computer.

Plus, with cloud computing and SaaS, data is backed-up by the developer. Hard drives fail, viruses attack — and it can be a major hassle to reinstall software and restore data when these problems arise. With cloud computing, if your computer breaks down, all that is needed is another computer with a web browser to get up and running again.

— Daniel Liebrecht, co-founder, CleanBid, Toledo, Ohio

With a physical disk on site, cleaning contactors pay for the maintenance and risk of the data loss. With clould computing software, cleaning contractors do not need to monitor or manage any hardware/software, only to the extent of having computers/devices that access it via the web.

— Michael Jenkins, president, CleanTelligent, Provo, Utah

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Cleaning Software Accommodates Mobile Devices