Corinne Zudonyi

Across all industries, businesses are struggling with labor, materials, services and overall price of goods. Over the last two years, building service contractors, too, have faced one challenge after another when it comes to purchasing, staffing and executing elevated cleaning frequency expectations. Not since the Great Recession has an event re-shaped the cleaning industry quite like the coronavirus pandemic.

To review just how much BSCs have been impacted by COVID-19 — specifically their cleaning costs and frequencies — Contracting Profits, along with our sister brands Facility Cleaning Decisions and fnPrime, and the Building Service Contractors Association International, surveyed nearly 500 facility executives in various facility types to create the "2021 Cleaning Costs & Frequencies Report."

The research outlines current cleaning price-per-square-foot averages in commercial offices, government buildings, stadiums, K-12 schools, colleges/universities, healthcare facilities and more. It is also broken out by geographical region as cost of living varies across the country and will impact pricing levels.

This data will help BSCs compare their programs to others across the country, and it will provide metrics for when it comes time to fight for increased pricing.

To further aid with labor challenges, the report also presents data on frontline staff numbers. Broken out into night-time janitors, day porters or day-time janitors, and project workers, the data identifies staff averages based on facility size.

Those staffing levels will also impact frequencies of various cleaning tasks. In this report, we evaluated changes that occurred after the Great Recession and compared those to the demands that have evolved since the height of the pandemic. The report breaks down the frequencies for 16 cleaning tasks in six specific facility types: corporate offices, multi-tenant offices, government facilities, K-12 schools, colleges/universities and hospitals/long-term care facilities.

For the entire report, visit