In this article, industry manufacturers answer common questions asked by building service contractors.

When it comes to cleaning cart construction, what are the benefits to plastic, metal or soft-sided carts?

Durability and function determine materials. In some environments the cart is for laundry only, or delivers materials, and in others it is a cleaning station. Each application has different construction material needs, from wire to plastic. Ease of use, function and value determine the benefit of each.
Todd Carlson, General Manager, Delamo Manufacturing, Los Angeles

They each have benefits, it depends upon the user is looking for.

Metal carts can be autoclaved and sanitized much more easily. But they are heavier and more difficult to manage while in use. Metal carts, due to their construction involving welds, screws, rivets or other means of attachment are typically not easily customized. What you see is what you get, until the cart is replaced.

Typical metal carts are shipped fully assembled which is helpful, but it depends upon who is paying for the freight. And let's not forget about the damage that they can cause to doors and walls.

Plastic carts are lighter and easier to maneuver. They are more easily customized and they won't rust or discolor when properly maintained.
Plastic carts can be shipped "knocked-down" in some cases meaning that the user must do the assembly work. Plastic is also easier on the doors and walls.
Paul J. Recko Jr., Sr. Vice President Sales & Marketing, Vermop USA Inc., Charlotte, N.C.

What are some ergonomic recommendations for cleaning carts? How long should they be, how heavy, handle height, etc.

Here again, it depends on the task, however, function and footprint are important. If it is too large or long to store or maneuver, there is always a better solution. It is interesting to observe the many ways cans and carts are used. It is not one size fits all. Improving the tool improves the task.
Todd Carlson, General Manager, Delamo Manufacturing, Los Angeles

It depends upon the user needs. But the longer and heavier the cart the more difficult it is to maneuver, of course. An adjustable handle is the best alternative as they can be adjusted to the users height.
Paul J. Recko Jr., Sr. Vice President Sales & Marketing, Vermop USA Inc., Charlotte, N.C.

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European Trolley Design Influencing The American Janitor Cart