Contributed by TEAM Software

Mike Reschke, COO of RBM Services, Inc., a building service contractor of about 1,300 employees headquartered in Provo, Utah, credits TEAM Software’s integrated solutions for the business’ success over the past several years. Since 2007, RBM Services’ revenue has grown 10-fold, and it has added about 1,000 employees.
“TEAM has helped us grow,” says Reschke. “We were able to grow without having to change our software system, and that’s pretty telling right there.”

TEAM Software has been developing integrated technology and services for the building service industry for more than 25 years. WinTeam, the core product, is a fully integrated financial, operations and workforce management system. The cloud-based software leverages shared data from across an organization to drive efficiency and streamline business processes. TEAM’s integrated system includes components for all major business units: accounting and financial management, operations management, quality assurance, HR/payroll, insurance benefits management, time and attendance, employee and customer self-service, bidding and estimating, and business intelligence and analytics.

“The thing I like about TEAM is the full integration,” says Reschke. “There are some good products out there for work tickets or timekeeping, but TEAM has brought them all together. It has everything we need on a day-to-day basis.”

Reschke says that TEAM’s integrated system came with cost-saving benefits, too. Previously, RBM relied on QuickBooks and third-party providers for payroll and timekeeping management. Timekeeping sheets were collected via fax. He knew they needed a better solution.
“I did some analysis on cost savings with WinTeam versus what we had been doing at that point,” says Reschke. “It really came down to dollars and cents, and I proved that we could more than pay for the cost of the system. That cost savings was especially beneficial when we were smaller and had tighter margins.”

Implementing WinTeam also enabled RBM to bring its payroll and timekeeping in house, a move that, in Reschke’s estimation, has saved RBM the most money and time due to the integrated data. Not only could they eliminate two third-party vendors, but with automated time and attendance software, paper timesheets were no longer necessary, eliminating a lot of manual data entry and errors. Because of the integrated system, accurate timekeeping data is automatically updated into payroll, ready for processing.
“The nice thing about TEAM is that they are constantly innovating, staying on the cutting edge of things. I have admired that for a long time,” says Reschke. “They know what’s important to the customer, and that’s big. TEAM has always listened to their customers and paid attention to our needs. That’s why they have such a solid product and people stick with them.”

Because of the great service, Reschke has referred colleagues to TEAM. And as RBM continues to grow, TEAM will come along with the BSC.
“We’re on a trajectory to keep growing, and we’re not slowing down any time soon. TEAM’s a part of that,” says Reschke. “We recently opened a Las Vegas office, and TEAM was right there with us. Being on the cloud, we can bring it up anywhere.”