Attracting Millennials To The Cleaning Industry

It’s no secret that the cleaning industry is aging. One third of the janitors and one third of the supervisors are age 55 and over. While it’s true that Baby Boomers are putting off retirement, this generation is still leaving the workforce in massive numbers and creating a sizable void. By 2020, half of the global workforce is going to be made up of the next generation. Building service contractors have no choice but to tap into Millennials.

Obviously that’s easier said than done. No one goes to college to work in janitorial. However, this industry actually offers a lot of attributes Millennials look for in a job; we just don’t promote it.

Nearly 80 percent of Millennials aspire to be leaders. In the cleaning industry, Millennials that make a contribution can be rewarded. Those who show initiative, ambition and engagement with this industry, tend to be quickly promoted.

This generation also desires to work with technology. Although most people don’t think of this industry as being advanced, new innovations prove differently. We now have emerging attractive technologies such as robotics, Internet of Things and engineered water.

Millennials also look for companies that practice environmental responsibility. Sustainability is a huge trend in the industry. So many companies practice green cleaning, promote recycling and composting, get LEED certified, or try to reduce water consumption and energy usage.

Now, Millennials do get stereotyped that they won’t stick around. U.S. Bureau of Labor shows the average tenure to be 3.2 years at a job. But conflicting studies show that half of Millennials want to work for only one or two companies during their career. The real answer is probably somewhere in the middle. Millennials aren’t going to leave as fast as you think they will and they won’t stick around forever. But studies show that job stability matters to them. Cleaning can be that stable job. This industry has proven to be recession resistant. There is always a need for cleaning.