Since launching in 1998, Major Commercial Cleaning has experienced year-over-year growth, except in 2009, at the height of the recession. The company is on track to gross more than $2.2 million, this year. 

“It’s been a remarkable journey for 15 years,” says Stewart. “We’re really happy about who we are.” 

Major Commercial Cleaning is a growing company. Stewart is looking for ways to expand their business outside of Tennessee, and  service clients  in Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi. 

Now that the commercial real estate market is improving, he sees even more growth potential in post-construction services, as well as cleaning. 

“We want to take a step up,” says Stewart. “But, the number of hours in a day is often a challenge.”

These days, Stewart is slowing his role in the company’s day-to-day operations. He recently purchased a home in the country and is looking to spend more time with his family. And though he is struggling to loosen the reins, Stewart expressed confidence in his current management team. It may be a sign that Stewart is preparing to pass the torch. 

Still, it won’t be easy to pry Stewart away from his work. 

“I never dreamed of being a janitor,” Stewart says. “But, I do have a dream business.”