People have come to expect certain odors in areas such as kitchens and restrooms, but when it comes to office cubicles, lounges and facility welcome areas, patrons expect clean and welcoming smells. This is sometimes difficult to achieve with cleaning because the smells are often absorbed in the fabrics of chairs, couches, draperies and even cubicle walls.

Regular dusting and vacuuming in areas around upholstered furniture can go a long way in reducing odors. Targeting difficult-to-clean areas such as chairs and cubicle walls should also be tended to regularly to reduce odors.

Many manufacturers offer spray products that target and eliminate odors in fabrics — not just cover them up — leaving a pleasant fragrance behind. To use these products, simply spray the upholstered surfaces until moist, then let the product dry completely.

Regularly addressing upholstered surfaces will help minimize the potential for odors. Just don’t overdo it. Any fragrance — good or bad — can quickly become an odor itself.