Lightweight upright vacuums typically weigh between eight and 10 pounds, much less than their traditional counterparts, which weigh between 15 and 20 pounds.

The lighter weight makes these vacuums a great fit in hospitality markets. Housekeepers need to easily and quickly move vacuums from room to room and lugging a vacuum around a hotel is tiring work for any person. Lightweight vacuums help housekeepers clean and reload equipment back onto carts without fatiguing as fast.

Cleaning hotels also requires staffs to reach tight and confined spaces. Lightweight vacuums often include a flat-to-floor positioning feature which allows the user to vacuum with the handle parallel to the floor, helping to clean under beds, chairs and desks without bumping into furniture.

Lightweight machines typically cost less than traditional machines and their affordability is helpful in hotels where many vacuums are needed at once because of the number of rooms that have to be cleaned in a short amount of time.