Vince Fagan,
LEED Green Associate and owner of Fagan Consulting

Vince Fagan is a 26 year veteran of the cleaning industry. He has a wealth of knowledge having started as a contract cleaner in 1983 and then moved into distribution in 1993. After 16 years serving as a problem solver to contract cleaners, schools and other commercial concerns Vince was requested to serve on the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council Task Force. This Task Force created the language for Public Act 095-0084 which requires all Illinois Schools, public and non-public and K-12 to use green cleaning products. As a leader in this movement to “green in schools” Mr. Fagan has closely partnered with Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) and the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and now serves on the local USGBC Chapter Green Schools Advocacy Committee. Mr. Fagan is also a credentialed LEED Green Associate from USGBC.

Vince has recently founded Fagan Solutions, Inc. a national organization serving green markets in the cleaning industry. Vince is a regular contributor to trade magazines and now, as a consultant, trainer and presenter, Vince shares his expertise with distributors and others and provide knowledge on healthy schools and the LEED rating system from USGBC. Vince holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Calumet College of Saint Joseph Hammond, Indiana.

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