The Transition to SDS from MSDS: Compliance is Key

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The Transition to SDS from MSDS: Compliance is Key

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The transition to SDS from MSDS took effect in June of 2016. HazCom law now requires SDS compliance. With this change, a chance to revamp your safety plan and comply with other areas is present. Do you have a written safety program and do you understand it? Do you have a training log? Does someone oversee the training program? This webcast will highlight five points to put custodians in compliance and beyond with HazCom law and provide tips for setting up and executing a safety program.

Presented By

Ben Walker

Ben Walker,

Director of Business Development,
ManageMen Inc.

Ben Walker is the Director of Business Development for ManageMen, Inc., a leading cleaning industry consultancy specializing in training, transitions, auditing and educational materials. In addition to his consulting work, Walker is the author of ISSA's best-selling book: 612 Cleaning Times and Tasks. Ben Walker annually performs progress and baseline audits for several large cleaning operations. He has experience auditing the cleaning program for hundreds of buildings nationwide. He specializes in the (OS1) cleaning process, safety, green, source reduction, public relations, training and cleaning education. His clients include Sandia National Labs, The Boeing Company, University of Texas at Austin, Qualcomm, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and NISH.

Moderated By

Corinne Zudonyi

Corinne Zudonyi,

Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine and

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the transition to SDS from MSDS
  • Define SDS
  • Highlight five points to put you in compliance with HazCom law
  • Provide a guide for setting up a safety program

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